Alskute Farm & Brewery gästar Nöjesguidens Ölmässa i Stockholm

10:50 10 Jan 2020

Det bubblar på Gotland och det är inte minst Alskute Farm & Brewery ett bra bevis på. Mjölkgård och bryggeri på samma gång, med en historia som sträcker sig tillbaka till 1734! Vi lät Bruce Todd svara på våra frågor och för enkelhetens skull har vi låtit bli att översätta. Ni förstår ju engelska ändå.

Berätta hur ert bryggeri startades?
– I started as a home brewer, when we decided to move back to Gotland and buy the family farm we thought it would be good to develop this and have a new life for the farm. Which started with brewing beer and growing hops, today its the beer that takes up most of our time. But we will bring Levide Pils to the festival which is an important beer for us brewed with our own hops.

Hur skulle du beskriva er ölstil?
– We are open to different styles of beer, the beer should be accurate and simple where possible.  Maybe you will find some English DNA in some of our beers, but we have different influences that have shaped our brewing.

Vad kännetecknar en bra öl?
– A beer that is more than its individual parts and that you wish to return to.

Vad tror du att det är som lockar med just hantverksbryggerier?
– People who start craft breweries do so because they want to share ideas, flavours and experiences with others,  this naturally has an honest and broad appeal.

Om du inte får säga ditt eget, vilket tycker du är Sveriges bästa bryggeri just nu?
– That is not an easy question, if I look at it locally, here on Gotland we have a great beer community that is getting stronger and stronger and we are really proud to be part of that,  Then on trips like this I look forward to meet other breweries and discover some new people and beers.

Vilken är nästa stora öltrend?
– I don’t know about the next beer trend, but for sure craft beer is much more accepted even expected today. I also think in general peoples tastes are broadening as they meet all the possibilities that beer can offer.

Vilken är din egen favoritöl just nu?
– My favourite beer this Autumn was an Oyster Stout by Osteria di Birra Del Borgo, on tap in Rome,  great drinkability but still complex.  The food was pretty awesome as well and an inspiration as always.

Vilken typ av öl föredrar du annars?
– IPA is an easy answer here as its such a broad category,  plus we love hops !

En framtidsspaning, vad är det viktigaste som händer i den svenska ölvärlden 2020?
– On my wish list would be farm sales, Differential Alcohol Tax and a National guide for brewery beer tasting servings on the Gothenberg model.

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