Efter narkotikakonflikt med polisen: Into the Factory ställer in

14:46 25 Jul 2017

Festivalarrangörerna tvingas göra abort på sin nya satsning redan innan premiären.

Den som hade planerat att besöka den nystartade festivalen Into the Factory i augusti möttes idag av tråkiga nyheter. Strax efter lunchtid skickade arrangörerna nämligen ut ett pressmeddelande om att festivalen tvingas ställa in.

Enligt uppgifter till Festivalrykten beror det hela på att polisen ska ha "dragit in tillstånd med hänvisning till att narkotika överskuggar eventet och att området inte är säkert nog." I nuläget ser det inte ut bli några nya tag med ett Into the Factory på svensk mark då det arrangerande bolaget Music Goes Further uppges ha tröttnat på allt byråkratiskt meck som de har stött på här.

Biljettköpare kommer att kompenseras med biljetter till andra evenemang och klubbkvällar i Music Goes Furthers Regi. Mer info om detta kommer snart.

Såhär lyder pressmeddelandet i sin helhet:

"Police strikes down on festival permit and forces cancellation of Into the Factory festival!

Dear Into the Factory ticket buyer

This is a truly beyond sad letter from Music Goes Further and the festival team. Making dance events in Sweden has always been a struggle, battling with the police and other authorities eager to make our culture an example on the local war on drugs. All preparations for Into the Factory have had normal challenges, but mostly have been a constructive and progressive process, up until just a few days ago when police stated that they will veto against the festival permit. In their argumentation the police states that it will be impossible to produce a safe event. That people would die from drug overdose and from climbing and jumping of tall buildings on the festival area. They also stated that it would take an unreasonable number of police to secure a safe event. All in all, leaving us now with no option to proceed with the festival. This means Into the Factory 2017 will be cancelled.

This is by far the worst day in our more than 20 years as producers and as activists for our beloved culture. We are absolutely devastated and this will be sadly remembered as our last attempt ever to try and build a festival in our homeland Sweden.

What happens now?
To compensate you in this awful situation we offer all ticket buyers to Into the Factory 2017 new festival tickets for both Into the Castle 2018 in Cape Town and Into the Valley 2018 in Rummu. We will also offer replacement parties during the weekend, we’re working on this one now. More information will be out asap.

Due to this late ruling by the police, the process for the festival production is already far gone. Meaning payments to artists and suppliers have already been made effective to a large extent. If you, instead of changing your ticket (as described above) want a refund for your ticket, then we will need you to be a little patient. We will always do everything in our power to honor your claim as soon as possible but to be realistic this will not be possible until closer to our upcoming events in 2018."

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